Debian Install Pkg Tar Xz Linux Distributions

Debian Install Pkg Tar Xz Linux Distributions

Debian Install Pkg Tar Xz Linux Distributions 3,7/5 382 votes

Arch Linux packages (ALPs, file extension.pkg.tar.xz ), the package format used by Arch Linux, its derivatives and select “independent” distributions such as. The package manager that was originally developed to work with Debian packages (installing, uninstalling, upgrading, etc.

If you want to install from sources by hand, the most difficult thing is often installing the right dependencies. If README or INSTALL does not list them, you can need to run the./configure script by hand (for autoconf based build systems). If it fails with 'checking for xyz: No', 'xyz not found' or similar, install the package libxyz-dev (on Debian based systems) and try again. If the package does not exists, you need either to find the correct package or to install the needed library by hand first.

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Sometimes you have to select a specific library version. – Nov 2 '12 at 10:09.

Firstly, according to the, the location of this installed package should be /opt if it is a binary install and /usr/local if it's a from source install. Pure binaries These are ready to use binaries. Normally they just need to be extracted to be installed. A binary package is going to be easy: • sudo tar --directory=/opt -xvf.tar.[bz2 gz] • add the directory to your path: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/[package_name]/bin and you are done. From sources A source package is going to be more troublesome (by far) and through they can roughly be processed with the method below, each package is different: • download the package to /usr/local/src • tar xf.tar.[bz2 gz] • cd • read the README file (this almost certainly exists). • most Open Source projects use autoconf/automake, the instructions should be in the README. Probably this step will go:./configure && make && make install (run the commands separately for sanity if something goes wrong though).

If there's any problems in the install then you'll have to ask specific questions. You might have problems of incorrect versions of libraries or missing dependencies. There's a reason that Debian packages everything up for you. And there is a reason Debian stable runs old packages - finding all the corner cases of installing packages on more than a dozen different architectures and countless different hardware/systems configurations is difficult.

When you install something on your own you might run into one of these problems! Gotham csok. Let me illustrate this with an example, say you wish to install a package abc.

The dependencies of the package abc may be identified by reading its documentation. You should resolve the dependencies(required libraries etc) prior to installation for a smooth experience. Before a gcc 4.7.2 build the g++, m4, gawk, gcc-multilib, gmp, mpfr, and mpc must be built. Then comes the building from source part for which the first step is always extraction. This can be done by using the tar command or by the simple GUI way. Once you have the extracted files in a folder you must browse to that folder using the cd command, for example if the contents are in Downloads then: $cd Downloads/abc Now you need to run./configure.

Specify the installation directory by using the --prefix= option with configure. Firstly, according to the File System Hierarchy Standards, the location of this installed package should be /opt if it is a binary install and /usr/local if it's a from source install. So if you are installing to the /usr/abc directory you will supply the option --prefix=/usr/abc with the./configure instruction. $./configure --prefix=/usr/abc --prefix= is not the only thing you might want to specify though, you might want to supply other information for a successful compilation like the type of your system with --build=x86_64-linux-gnu for 64 bit, and --build=i386-linux-gnu for a 32 bit system. It is wise to read the README in the extracted files as it may carry the information about which options to specify with the./configure command. After the./configure run the make command, and subsequently the make install. Post installation you should specify the library path, shell/environment variables using the export command.

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