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For provides with faster rendering, better lighting tools, and the ability to create and visualize complex scenes. This designer-friendly rendering solution for SketchUp features dramatic improvements to with V-Ray RT and improved image based lighting quality with the V-Ray Dome Light. V-Ray Proxy allows for easier complex scene management with highly detailed models. • V-Ray Express: Users can easily access more than 200 materials and interchangeable lighting setups to create realistic studio scenes and illuminate models faster than ever. • Frame Start animation option: You can now render individual frames or ranges of frames, e.g.: 5, 100-110, 200, 352.
• Pack all V-Ray Materials: Archive your V-Ray for SketchUp materials and all external files into a single ZIP for easy sharing and back up. • Improved support for using V-Ray Frame Buffer Channels. • Improvements and fixes to the Batch Render tool.
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