Mysql Odbc Driver Error Code 126 Download Special Versions Of Monopoly Game

Mysql Odbc Driver Error Code 126 Download Special Versions Of Monopoly Game

Mysql Odbc Driver Error Code 126 Download Special Versions Of Monopoly Game 4,4/5 5707 votes

Getting embarcadero dbexpress mysql working - DBX Error: Driver not initialized Sometimes the simple things are harder than you expected and dbexpress probably comes under that category, it was less express than I had expected but once you figure things out it does work. Some of the problems were my fault while others took time due to the obscur nature of the errors returned by XE and XE2. If you start by adding the TSQLConnect component, select the MySQL driver and configure your HostName, Database, UserName and Password you can try and connect, you will most likely strike the following error. DBX Error: Driver could not be properly initialized.

System Error Code 126, When Installing MySQL ODBC Driver. The MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code. Location: San Francisco, California, United States.

Client library may be missing, not installed properly, of the wrong version, or the driver maybe be missing from the system path. So once you figure out that your missing the libmysql.dll you might try and grab the latest MYSQL C Connector from, they are up to version 6.0.2 at the time of writing this, you'll get the same error above. I was getting a more obscure crash before XE2 Update 1 which I didn't note down at the time, that abstract error message took me a while to figure out and was related to the libmysql.dll version. It would be nice if embarcadero provided a location where you could download the compatible libmysql.dll files that work with dbexpress, it is worth noting that the XE2 read me does come with the following note. I searched and 'destroyed' all versions of libmysql.dll resident on my PC.

The route used by RadPHP XE2, is the previously indicated (C: Program Files (x86) Embarcadero RadPHP 4.0 bin). Anyway, I put libmysql.dll (version 5.1.59) in the Windows path and in% SystemRoot% System32. I changed the environment variable 'Path' to reflect the changes, but the error persists.

Mysql Odbc Driver Error Code 126 Download Special Versions Of Monopoly Game

Interestingly, when testing the connection works fine, but the error (DBX: Not supported) persists when try to show tables, procedures, etc. For now, I give up. Autocom cdp.

I had never taken so long to set up a connection. Best regards. I am having exact same problem as Enrique above, (DBX: Not supported). I can connect to a local instance of mySQL and browse tables with database manager, but for the remote instance it says 'test succeeded' but when I try to browse tables it gives the above error. Libmysql.dll is exact same version on my web server. DBX I am assuming is dbexpress. Does anyone know if there are additional files required on the webserver to work with a remote mysql connection?

Win7 64 OS on desktop, all mysql 5.1.56 32bit on desktop and webserver. Any suggestions appreciated, ready to pull my hair out here, thanks. Hello Brett, I also have the same problems as Enrique and pj. I run Win7 Home Premium 2009, 64bits, Embarcadero® RadPHP™ XE2 Version, MySQL 5.5 (but also the remote MySQL of my hosting provider generates the same problem): DBX: Not supported. I can connect to a local and remote instance of mySQL and browse tables with database manager, but when I try to browse tables in RADPhP (expand tables branche of MySQLConnection) I get the error.

Because Enrique and pj seized their quest, I wonder if I must do the same or if there are possibilities to get rid of this error. Looking forward to your view on this!

  • четверг 27 сентября
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