Installing Firmware Updates Cameo 3 Silhouette Classes

Installing Firmware Updates Cameo 3 Silhouette Classes

Installing Firmware Updates Cameo 3 Silhouette Classes 5,0/5 1921 votes

• • • • • • • Update. So many terms are tossed around when it comes to discussing Silhouette Studio and the Silhouette machines – it can be downright confusing! But when you understand what each of these terms mean and their function, your Silhouette journey will be much smoother. Today I’ll help clear up some of the confusion and explain why one component in particular – firmware – is so important. Let’s begin by defining exactly what each term means: Software – the general term used to describe a computer program. For the Portrait, Cameo, and Curio machines, Silhouette Studio is the software. Firmware – software that is embedded into a piece of hardware.


Arcon development. Your Silhouette machine is the hardware. The Cameo 3, Cameo 2, and Curio are the only machines that require firmware; the original Cameo, Portrait, Portrait 2, and Mint do not. Upgrade – a paid enhancement to software that adds to or improves its features.

In the case of Silhouette Studio, there are three levels of upgrade –,, and. When you purchase an upgrade for Silhouette Studio, there is no new software to install. You will either receive a license key code via email or be sent a physical card (similar to a gift card) that contains a scratch-off to reveal the license key code.

Once you enter the license key code into your software (Click on the Help menu and select “Upgrade Silhouette Studio”), additional features will be unlocked. Update – a free download that either improves the functionality of or fixes bugs found in software or firmware. In order to easily identify the most recent update, a sequential numbering system is used. For instance, the current version of Silhouette Studio as of this writing is 4.1.206, with “4.1” indicating the software version and “.206” identifying the update in sequence.

Any number lower than this is out of date (although it may still work properly with your computer and Silhouette machine) and any number higher than this means that it’s a beta version and still being tested. Silhouette firmware versions follow a slightly different naming convention, but the numbers are still sequential. Why update your firmware? Simply put, if your firmware is not up to date your machine and your software may not communicate properly, which can lead to cutting issues. As previously mentioned, updates to firmware contain improvements and may also fix bugs that have been found in previous versions.

Glitches due to out-of-date firmware are more common with the Cameo 3 than other machines, but it’s still a good idea to keep your version as current as possible. (NOTE: Keep in mind that updating your software has no effect on your firmware, and vice versa. Each one needs to be updated separately.) How to check your firmware version: Curio Note: the firmware version can be checked in this manner for all machines, but this is the only method available for the Curio.

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