Mckesson Radiology Station Disc Quick Viewer Free

Mckesson Radiology Station Disc Quick Viewer Free

Mckesson Radiology Station Disc Quick Viewer Free 5,0/5 4248 votes

Helping to deliver quality patient care with Bay Ridge Medical Imaging Now offering a zero-footprint clinical reference viewer from McKesson. Whether you’re a radiologist, referring physician or sub-specialty clinician, ultra-portable and increasingly functional tablet devices are perfect for viewing images and associated reports for.

The following sections describe how to troubleshoot messages that may be displayed while you are installing, upgrading, or starting McKesson Radiology Station ™. Microsoft ® Internet Explorer ® is the recommended Web browser used to access McKesson Radiology Station ™.

See for more information. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The following table describes how to troubleshoot the messages that may be displayed while you are installing or upgrading McKesson Radiology Station ™: Message Troubleshooting tip Install Failed: McKesson Radiology Station ™ Install was cancelled or an unexpected error occurred. Please click here to retry. Note: This warning message is common when you install McKesson Radiology Station ™ on Windows ® 7.

To receive fewer warning messages, you can add the McKesson Radiology ™ launch page as a. If you are using Windows ® 7, and a security warning is displayed below the Internet Explorer ® toolbar, ensure that the following criteria are met: • The warning states: The website wants to install the following add-on. - and - • The warning states that the add-on is from McKesson Corporation. If both criteria are met, the McKesson Radiology Station ™ installation has not failed.

Requests your permission to let an installation file access your system. To grant this permission: • Click the message. McKesson Radiology Station ™ continues to install. You are not authorized to install McKesson Radiology Station ™.

Ensure that you have the authority to install McKesson Radiology Station ™: • If you are using Windows ® 7, you need to be a member of the Windows ® Administrators group. You are not authorized to install the update. Visual foxpro serial communication arduino to matlab software. To install the McKesson Radiology Station ™ updates, one the following conditions must be met: • If you are using Windows ® 7, you need to be a member of the Windows ® Administrators group.

• The has been installed on your computer. For details, contact your system administrator.

The third-party download manager you have installed is causing the installation to fail. During the McKesson Radiology Station ™ installation, disable or override any third-party download manager/accelerator software you may have installed on your computer.

For details, refer to the documentation provided by the download manager manufacturer. In Windows ® XP, users are assigned to specific user groups depending on the tasks they need to perform.

All users that belong to a specific user group are granted permissions to perform certain tasks on a workstation. Seminar on ethical hacking ppt for seminars unlimited bible. By assigning users to different groups, the system administrator can manage security and access to a workstation that is accessed by multiple users. To perform the task of installing and upgrading McKesson Radiology Station ™, you need to be a member of the Power Users group. If you are installing McKesson Radiology Station ™ on your home computer, and you have not modified any of the security settings, you may not encounter difficulty installing or upgrading McKesson Radiology Station ™. If you are using a computer at your site or office, you may need to request that the local system administrator assigns your user name to the Power Users group, or installs the software for you.

About the McKesson Radiology Station ™ Update Service The McKesson Radiology Station ™ Update Service, once installed on a computer, allows all McKesson Radiology Station ™ users to install the application updates as they become available. To install the McKesson Radiology Station ™ Update Service, you must be a member of Windows ® Administrators or Power User group. About the download manager or accelerator A download manager is generally used to accelerate, resume, and/or schedule the download of files or software from the Internet. User Account Control (UAC) is a security feature of Windows ® 7. With UAC enabled, software running on Windows ® 7 must receive permission from the user to access the user's system.

By default, UAC is enabled in the Windows ® 7 environment. McKesson Radiology Station ™ is designed to run with UAC enabled. When the McKesson Radiology ™ launch page is added to Internet Explorer ® as a trusted site, fewer error messages are displayed. To add the McKesson Radiology ™ launch page to Internet Explorer ® as a trusted site: • On the Internet Explorer ® menu bar, click Tools, and then select Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box is displayed.• Click the Security tab.

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