Mame 0 153 Rom Set Snes Roms Super

Top Blade V [ElSemi] Carket Ball [ANY, David Haywood] Mega Phoenix [Enricnes (from AUMAP), David Haywood] Aaargh (Arcadia) [Unigame, David Haywood] Happy 6-in-1 (ver. Strykr wrote: For the gamer (which are the only people I imagine use mame) Their really should be a seperate build for gamblers and fruits etc, but in reality what games are people waiting for? There arent really i'm waiting for tbh, all the good uns are already working. I'd love them to get something like GTI club running on a modest PC setup, and a couple of the other meaty drivers, and perhaps the model 2 and 3 games running well, apart from that I havent upgraded since.149 Like I've said elsewhere, it's not really up to us to judge the quality of the games.
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Many of the gamblers are rather rare these days, and finding good quality pictures / artwork of some of the non-video ones is close to impossible. You could argue they're a waste of space, other people might even argue some of the recent prototype dumps are a waste of space (unfinished versions of games - why would a gamer care about a broken unfinished version of a game?) Personally I think they're all worth supporting and glad we do (and very thankful for anybody who spends their time and money dumping + emulating them) You'd be surprised by how many people have different interests!
As has been mentioned already people will upgrade if we improve support for something that interests them, I suspect a lot are still waiting on Raiden 2. I don't think anybody interested in Raiden 2 will refuse to upgrade come the day we fix it just because 100 gambling games were added in the meantime;-) As for 0.153, you have the Cave stuff as observed, which is in a better state than when it was removed a couple of years back (less audio glitches) although still has imperfect audio emulation. There's the Yukiwo prototype that was dumped by Unigame etc.
That will be of interest to anybody who likes Master of Weapon due to the vast number of differences. Aaargh, another Unigame dump and a proper 2 player version of the game (apparently the Amiga version was single player only?) Mega Phoenix is a VERY rare Spanish arcade game, a remake of Phoenix on a more modern platform, it popular on many of the 8-bit and 16-bit machines we had over here but the arcade version was practically unknown, sound isn't quite right yet but gameplay is fine. Top Blade V is a rather unique 'Spinning Top' type battle game, doesn't really appeal to me beyond a few plays but it's something different.
X2222 is a shmup, although lacks sound, the roms for it were provided by the programmer, unfortunately apart from lacking sound the 'complete' build displays debug numbers at all times, and the earlier prototype is missing several levels and doesn't have the boss graphics finished so they display garbage. It's an interesting insight into a game that was probably never released tho. Carket Ball is a cute Korean Pool / Cards mashup game, like Pocket Gal etc. But different. The cartridge version of S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation is supported, it's a more complete version of the game than the PCB version supported in 0.152 Galaxian Growing Galaxip is one of the more interesting Galaxian bootlegs / clones, with a strange 3 stage ship growth as you progress through the levels. Disco Boy (Promat license?) plays more like a traditional shooter than the existing set, maybe less interesting but easier to understand.
Those are some of the personal highlights in terms of 'new games' at least. Thanks for the detailed update Haze. I, for one, hugely appreciate the time and effort that you and the rest of the MAME crew put into the behemoth of a project that it has become, and I'm sure millions of other people out there share my sentiment too. Moviebox ipa cydia impactor.
I always look forward to a new release of MAME and am never disappointed when one comes along, no matter how many or few new games it supports. After all, who can moan when such an amazing project is totally free of charge to the end user. Please keep up the great work that you guys and girls do. 'although still has imperfect audio emulation' re: the cave games, I meant slowdown emulation, it was late when I was writing that and there's no edit button here. The main issue with Namco System 10 is the encryption, beyond that it's not really any different to any other Playstation 1 based platform.

I'm a little surprised there hasn't been more progress because there are some clear patterns in the ROM data in terms of byte counts etc. But that can be deceptive, and given that some of our best eyes have looked at it (Olivier, and I believe Andreas) and are yet to come up work a working solution to the encryption issue I imagine it's trickier than it appears (this is often the case) There was a small discussion about it a few days ago regarding attempts to collect data on the real PCBs for studying, however it was concluded that something on the hardware is performing checksums of the roms (probably the protection device) making modifying them more difficult because it refuses to run modified code. It is one of the more significant challenging *platforms* left to emulated, and no, it hasn't been abandoned, it's just unexpectedly tricky compared to the other Playstation based ones, surprising really because platforms with lots of puzzle games are usually the budget platforms!
- вторник 25 декабря
- 37