Igo Primo Data Zip 1920x1080 Background Black

Igo primo 1920x1080. Last Download file: 2018/04/05. Android 2.3+ Overview:, the flagship OEM product in. Next thing I know Im running up waterfalls in.
Hey All, Anyone know if it's possible to change a.bmp used by Primo so it still works after editing? Using Bazzle01's holiday pics version of Primo & everything seems fine except when the compass is displayed in the cockpit it's characters are too small to see clearly. So I changed it with GIMP so the letters were bigger but now Primo gives a message 'unable to open file linear_compass_cockpit.bmp' when starting & goes no further. Put the original back & it starts fine. I guess it's something to do with the format of the bmp itself so thought I'd ask if anyone knew how to save them so they still work in Primo. When I changed the one in the Dimka skin on IGO8 I just replaced the Dimka compass.bmp with IGO8's original compass.bmp & all was well. I'd do the same here but the compass.bmp for Primo is stored in Data.zip instead of the skin itself and it's exactly the same as the IGO8 original.
Unity3d obfuscator keygen crack serial generator photoshop. I think what's happening is in Primo there's more width of the compass image being displayed in the data field box & it's squashing things up so it fits & it's making the image characters appear smaller. In IGO8 when the compass is displayed even though the data field box is similar in size there's not as much of the compass image itself's width visible in the box & the characters look bigger.
Hope that makes some kind of sense, bit hard to explain. Thanks FBF, just tried that ipaq31 but the bmp saved in IGO format with it still fails. Also tried the MioMap/IGO BMP program but it crashes when saving on both Windows7 & Ubuntu. The original is 15 kb, my edited one is 20 kb, the edited one saved by ipaq31 is only 2.5 kb but it opens & displays ok in the BMP Compressed viewer app. I guess about the only other option is try to find the relevant.spr or whatever file it is that controls how much of the compass image is displayed in the data fields box & edit it manually though not too fussed on that idea, no doubt I'll probably break something doing that. If the attachments work here's the original & the edited versions attached. Thanks Trekker99, saw that thread earlier before I posted.
That MioMap tool doesn't seem to like me, crashes while saving. Managed to get it working. Had to use WinRAR to put it in the device's data.zip for some reason, it's the only one that would work. 7-zip & Ubuntu's archive manager both failed, they deleted the original then put the edited file in there ok but Primo didn't like it for some reason. Put the same edited file in there with WinRAR & Primo fired up ok first time with the edited compass image being used, much better & the letters are easily visible.
So here's the steps if anyone wants to do similar: 1- Make a copy of the compass file, find it in Primo data.zip ui_igo9 800_480 linear_compass_cockpit.bmp I used a copy of a backup of the data.zip file, extracted it all, found the file, put it on the desktop then just deleted the copy of the backup. 2- I saved it using BMPCompressed as a regular bmp so it could be read by other image programs. I used GIMP to make the changes, just clicked File > Save when finished, GIMP put up a message about merging layers before saving after adding text layers so I just clicked ok & it saved correctly. 3- I used the free program iPAC31 to simply open it then save it as an IGO format bmp. Then used WinRAR to replace the original on the device & that's it. Or if you don't want to make your own skip steps 1 & 2 just grab it from my post above, use iPAC31 to save it as an IGO bmp & WinRAR to put it on the device. This one is for the 800x480 resolution and I see there is also a linear_compass_cockpit file in each of the other resolution's folders so I imagine the steps to editing & replacing them on the device would be the same, just using the desired resolution's folder.
Cheers EDIT: if you use the one I made above you'll have to rename it back to 'linear_compass_cockpit.bmp' before saving & putting in the relevant folder inside data.zip, any variation from that name most likely won't work. @ JmaCWQ ( 02:12 AM)JmaCWQ Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Or to view.Had to use WinRAR to put it in the device's data.zip for some reason, it's the only one that would work. 7-zip & Ubuntu's archive manager both failed, they deleted the original then put the edited file in there ok but Primo didn't like it for some reason.
Fully agree with you. I've also found that WinRar is the only program that works, at least for me, when I do editing of iGO8/Primo 'data.zip' and 'branding.zip' files. I usually open the zip file in WinRar, go to the relevant folder, and drag and drop the file in question onto desktop in the case of '.bmp' files or into WordPad for text or script files. For compressed bmp's, I use ipac31x to un-compress them and then Photoshop to do the editing or creation of new ones. Then re-compress them in ipac31x, drag and drop them back into the still open WinRar and let it do the rest. In the case of edited files, it asks you whether you want to over-write the old file.
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