How To Create License Key For A Software In Vb6 Array Redimi

How To Create License Key For A Software In Vb6 Array Redimi

How To Create License Key For A Software In Vb6 Array Redimi 3,8/5 7932 votes

Arne, I don't see what is the problem with that. If it is based on existing numbers than it is concatenating. Can you explain to us what is the diffficult with this. Be aware that it will never be a Global Unique ID.

License Key class to make generating and validating. License Keys in VB.NET - Revisited. Which is converted to a byte array and then encrypted to generate. VB Helper: HowTo: Make a program register itself for a particular system in Visual Basic.NET.

Therefore you need the GUID and more positions. Cor 'Arne Beruldsen' I have a windows app using 2005. I would like to create a serial number based on a couple of characteristics of the customers computer (computer name, HD number.etc). I don't need anything complicated just a way to generate a 16 character number. Is there an easy way to do this.? In my applicattion, I used an encrpted string based on a number of features of the user machine and my program. I created an encryption program to create the encrypted string, and within the user program is the same encryption function to check that the two strings are equal.

The function I used is below:- Imports System.Text Imports System.Security.Cryptography Module modEncrypt Public Function HashData(ByVal s As String) As String 'Convert the string to a byte array Dim bytDataToHash As Byte() = _ (New UnicodeEncoding()).GetBytes(s) 'Compute the MD5 hash algorithm Dim bytHashValue As Byte() = _ New MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(bytDataToHa sh) Return BitConverter.ToString(bytHashValue) End Function End Module Best wishes Paul Bromley 'Arne Beruldsen' I have a windows app using 2005. I would like to create a serial number based on a couple of characteristics of the customers computer (computer name, HD number.etc).

I don't need anything complicated just a way to generate a 16 character number. Is there an easy way to do this.?

• Introduction Create and validate secure 'License Keys' for your proprietary code and embed up to 16-bits of 'configuration data' into the key. This code is flexible and may be used in many different licensing schemes. Background Everyone is familiar with getting license keys to activate software. These keys are normally based on various encryption schemes, and serve to validate that a particular user is authorized to install or run the software.

The code presented here provides an easy way to integrate this functionality into your own programs. The keys generated by the sample application are MD5 hashes of a 'Licensee' name, a 'Serial Number, and a 'secret' program name string that is embedded into the code.

We then convert the hexadecimal 32-character string to Base32 to shorten the resulting key down to 26 characters. This is easier for end-users to type and looks better and more professional as well.

The code is pretty straight-forward for the most part, and can be easily translated into other languages such as C, C++, C#, Java, etc. And is presented in as 'generic' of a Visual Basic form as possible to permit easy integration into applications. It can even be used in VBA applications such as Microsoft Access if desired. Please note that all code in this article is licensed under the LGPL, so it can be incorporated into your programs with no royalties and doesn't modify the licensing terms of your proprietary code in any way.

We do ask that if you make any changes to the key generation code itself that you release the code under the same terms as you received it. Additionally, this code provides some useful string functions to encode/decode binary values encoded in a string to Base32 and to bitwise left and right shift these values by an arbitrary number of bits. Using the Code Simply include the KeyCodes.bas, StrFuncs.bas, and MD5_Crypt.bas files into your project. You can prompt for whatever information you consider to be relevant to your licensing scheme, and it should end up in two string values and one LONG integer value indicating the capabilities you wish to embed into the key code. It is expected that users of this code will modify the key generation to meet their needs. The keycodes.bas file routines are easily modified to provide different key values and can form an easy base to build your own key code routines. One change that comes to mind is to shorten the Base32 string from 26-characters to 25-characters and then grouping the 'digits' in groups of five to provide nicer-looking keys. Download anime ai no kusabi subtitle indonesia goblin.

Here's the main code that generates the key based on text boxes: Private Const MyProductName = ' KeyCodeDemoV1'.. If Not (UserNameT = ' ') Or Not (ProdNameT = ' ') Then RawKey = GenKeyString(UserNameT, ProdNameT & MyProductName, FeatID) BinKey = HexStrToBinStr(RawKey) KeyCode = FormatKeyCode(Base32Enc(BinKey), 4) Else KeyCode = ' Please Enter Licensee and/or Serial Number' End If.. Key Strength The keys generated by this code are relatively secure, as they are based around an MD5 hash of the data used to generate the key. You can improve security by generating a GUID during the installation, and concatenating it with the 'user name' field, and then generating the keys via an online submission process. This is left as an exercise to the reader. Key tampering is highly discouraged by the code's design.

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