Final Fantasy X Sphere Grid Guide Tidus And Yuna Moments Notice

Final Fantasy X Sphere Grid Guide Tidus And Yuna Moments Notice

Final Fantasy X Sphere Grid Guide Tidus And Yuna Moments Notice 3,7/5 8374 votes

With the expert grid you can essentially put any character on any path during the main game. For example, I put Yuna through Lulu's grid very early game to have her learn black magic spells. WIth the standard grid you find that characters are locked into their respective paths and aren't able to deviate from them. I find the expert grid to be a lot better personally, as I can have Auron move on to Tidus' grid to speed him up, or have Tidus move on to Auron's grid to make him hit harder. TLDR: Expert offers more freedom and choice, whereas standard conforms to set class roles. Free compaq presario drivers downloadRoblox scripts for admin hack.

Yuna is the female lead, and the majority of the game follows her and her guardian's journey from Besaid to Zanarkand Ruins in order to summon the final Aeon. 10 Years before FinalFantasyX starts, Yuna's father (Braska), along with Tidus' father (Jecht). Aug 24, 2002  Final Fantasy X - Walkthrough/FAQ. The Sphere Grid i. Sphere Grid Basics. There will be a long scene between Yuna and Tidus.

If you're planning to do end game content (dark aeons etc) then the standard grid is built to be better at that. It's not impossible to get extremely high stats on the expert grid, but the standard grid is offering 50ish more nodes to put stats on. TLDR: Don't care about end game and want people in flexible rolls early? Want structured classes and better post game stats for characters? Imo the standard grid is better. It lets you still put people on varying roles (Yuna with black magic for example) but you access those nodes later on. The game is balanced with your specific roles in mind, so expert can really overpower you early.

Final Fantasy X Sphere Grid Guide Tidus And Yuna Moments Notice

Either grid works fine. The Expert Grid will result in lower stats if you don't maximize every node (replacing empty nodes with the right combination, etc.) than the Standard Grid will. Both grids make the game trivial (except for some post-game bosses) if you max them out, which with some of the Overlimit + Arena setups is easily as hell. On the PS4 version I completed the Sphere Grid for every character (completed, but not maximized) and I hadn't even beaten the game. Ultimately the Standard Grid will be easier to maintain, but more annoying if you want skills that were meant for other characters (i.e. Yuna with Black Magic, or Steal on anybody other than Rikku) early on.

Final Fantasy: All the Bravest - - - - - - - --------Premium Content-------- - - - - Final Fantasy X Sphere Grid The Sphere Grid found in Final fantasy X shows a departure from the normal formula of character development. Where before you had a character with certain attributes that were stronger or weaker than other characters, due to their 'Class'. Now with the Sphere Grid, you have the ability to develop each of your characters as you see fit to do so.

In the Sphere Grid, each character has a certain part that is considered their default grid. For Example, if you followed Yuna's grid, you would travel down the left side of the grid. But you do not have to keep to this path set out. There are several intersections in each characters grid, that with the right sphere, can go into another characters path. You might begin Tidus in his grid, which gives him abilities to speed the party, and slow the enemies. But shortly after beginning, he has a intersection with Auron's grid. Instead of continuing down his path, he can move over to Aurons, and gain more strength and damage enhancements.

There are also spheres that will allow you to jump across the grid, to other locations, though these are not seen until well into the game. This is an ideal way of creating a party fit to what you want it to be.

It was met with great success, and has led into other titles having a similarly 'open development for your characters. Moving around the Sphere Grid requires AP. This is achieved after battles, but it is different than before.

A player must basically perform an action within the fight, in order to gain AP. You will even get AP, if you miss in an attack. But if your character does not participate, they will not gain AP. The only time this is exempt is if Yuna summons an Aeon.

If the Aeon defeats the enemies, without anyone else fighting, only Yuna gets AP. There for, summoning should be held out until the final round or so of battle. When you gain enough AP, you will gain a Sphere Level. This will move you along the Sphere Grid. With each Sphere Level, you will be allowed to either move forward one space, or backwards up to four spaces. When you land on a new node, you then have the option of placing a sphere there. This is of course if you have the right sphere.

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