Castlevania Dracula X Rondo Of Blood Pc Engine Rom Set

Castlevania Dracula X Rondo Of Blood Pc Engine Rom Set

Castlevania Dracula X Rondo Of Blood Pc Engine Rom Set 3,6/5 7428 votes

First time starting up my PC Engine Duo and it. 15 thoughts on “ Castlevania Rondo of Blood CD-ROM for PC. This game is “Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles. Castlevania: Rondo of Blood is a platform-adventure video game developed by Konami for the PC Engine's Super CD-ROM² System directed by Toru Hagihara. It is set in the fictional universe of the Castlevania series, where the protagonist Richter Belmont goes to save his lover Annette, who was abducted by Dracula.

First time starting up my PC Engine Duo and it works perfectly! Also I was able to capture gameplay footage through the!:D Yay! Akumajou Dracula X Chi no Rondo.

That’s what I’ve been playing tonight, and damn this game is good!!:D I recorded a movie of the intro, it’s awesome! There’s a German voiceover, which made me think I had bought the wrong game. Then I realized it was only released in Japan and seeing the japanese subtitles made me come to my senses and understand that this was the way it was supposed to be. Good thing for me though, since I can’t read kanji fluently but I can understand German!:D Great intro ^_^ watch it >> The graphics were stunning, you can really tell that they used the full potential of Super CD-ROM!;D It’s a big difference from the HU-card games.

You control Richter Belmont, and he has a whip just like Simon and the others, and you collect hearts to use your special weapons, like the knife, axe, holy water etc. The first boss was a fire breathing flying purple dragon-thingy, a step up from the bat ^_^ You still collect orbs after each boss battle at the end of the stage like in the first game: The second stage was extremely similar to the first stage of the first Castlevania game! You fought ghouls and you were inside the castle and it looked the same!

Just better graphics;D All of a sudden though I got chased by this giant beast! That freaked me out. But I got away, and looked back to find that the giant beast had run into a wall. And lost his head!!? Lol, he must have been running really fast for that to happen! The second boss was a pain in the ass.

I was stuck there for a while, even had to use a continue >-_. I love Richter, but playing as Maria makes the game a bit more enjoyable at times, considering her ability to double-jump, and thus be able to CONTROL yourself in mid-air! My only two grips related to this game at all, are: 1. CD music aside, I really don’t see how Konami couldn’t have given the SNES a direct port of this game, instead of the watered down “meh” that was “Dracula X”. It’s basically the same gamebut not. They were really lazy about that. And speaking of lazy, while I was stoked that they finally released Rondo of Blood on the Wii’s Virtual Console service, I was at the same time immediately disappointed that they didn’t bother translating it at all.

Why this bothers me, is because they took the time to translate (to my knowledge) the original version of the game that you can unlock in the PSP remake, so why they couldn’t have just used that, who the hell knows. Kinda the same as “why haven’t they released Bloodlines for Genesis on VC?” But I digress. Proshow style pack torrent. Great game, and it led to even greater things with it’s sequel, Symphony of the Night.

Though, on a personal note, my favorite CV game will always be Super CV IV on SNES. Gameplay, music, graphics, controls.that shit is timeless.:-).

•: October 29, 1993 Mode(s) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood is a video game developed by for the 's directed by Toru Hagihara. It is set in the fictional universe of the Castlevania series, where the protagonist Richter Belmont goes to save his lover Annette, who was abducted by Dracula.

It was released in Japan on October 29, 1993. A direct sequel to it,, was released in 1997. The game was remade for the as, and the as.

In 2008, the original game was released for the 's service in Japan and for the North American and PAL regions in 2010. Richter fighting the Behemoth.

The objective is to guide the primary Richter Belmont through nine stages, with four alternate routes, as he searches for his kidnapped beloved Annette and ultimately confronts Dracula in his castle. Richter makes use of a whip as his main weapon and one of six sub-weapons: an axe, a dagger, holy water, a, a pocket watch, and a cross. While exploring the castle, Richter can rescue four maidens, including his distant relative Maria Renard who then becomes a playable character. She attacks using her doves and one of six sub-weapons: a white tiger kitten, dragon whelp, baby phoenix, turtle, egg or musical notes. She is more agile, can do a double jump, and can do twice the amount of damage that Richter does in each normal attack because the doves she shoots out return to her and therefore can do a second hit of damage on the way back, but she takes much more damage each time she is hit than Richter does when he is hit. Rondo of Blood incorporates elements from the earlier Castlevania games which typically featured linear gameplay and a member of the Belmont clan as the protagonist, and the later entries which emphasized untimed exploration of the environment.

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