Wpeutil Exercises For Sciatica

Wpeutil Exercises For Sciatica

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Pain in the sciatica nerve can run down from the spine to the leg. Typically, pain is felt in only one side of the body and with timely medication, can be completely alleviated. While allopathic medicines have the highest success rate in treating sciatica, many individuals gain much relief from exercise therapy as well. The following 8 exercises help stretch the sciatica nerve and other muscles; the combined movement may help expedite recovery.

Nerve Mobilising Stretch Lie on your back with your knees bent and a cushion/book/hard pillow under your head. Raise one knee towards your chest by grasping the region above your knee (lower hamstring) with both hands.

From this position, stretch the leg you are grasping pointing in the direction of the ceiling. Hold the position for 20 – 30 seconds and release. Bring the leg and knee to the original position. Repeat with the other leg as well.

Pain in the sciatica nerve can run down from the spine to the leg. Typically, pain is felt in only one side of the body and with timely medication, can be completely alleviated. While allopathic medicines have the highest success rate in treating sciatica, many individuals gain much relief from exercise therapy as well. The following 8 exercises help stretch the sciatica nerve and other muscles; the combined movement may help expedite recovery. Nerve Mobilising Stretch Lie on your back with your knees bent and a cushion/book/hard pillow under your head. Raise one knee towards your chest by grasping the region above your knee (lower hamstring) with both hands.

From this position, stretch the leg you are grasping pointing in the direction of the ceiling. Hold the position for 20 – 30 seconds and release. Bring the leg and knee to the original position.

Repeat with the other leg as well.

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