Watchguard Firebox 1250e Manually

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I am helping to troubleshoot an issue with a Watchguard Firebox III/1000. This firewall is up and operating correctly. However, the date/time indicated in the 'Traffic Monitor' and 'Status Report' is way off. I have seen in the documentation that the unit should have a 'Management Station' connected to it via Serial and Ethernet. It does not currently have a station connected. A user logs into it through a program called 'Watchguard Firebox System 7.0'. They are able to view logs and real-time statistics through this program but it is not connected as the 'management station' (at least not via a Serial Cable or directlly through CAT5).
Does anyone have any advice on this problem? The date/time need to be sychronized for a number of reasons. I am also concerned b/c I want to make sure this isn't a signal of any type of OS corruption.
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You should now be running Core V8.0 Mangement software for the Firebox III Series, you can download this from the Watchguard website with a valid livesecurity subscription, Install this on a machine that can run 24/7 and configure it to log in to the firewall over ethernet, you will need to know the LAN IP address for this, then set up the Log server using IP address of Firewalls LAN IP and existing encryption key, launch this from the taskbar on this version of software. Next check you time zone is correct in the policy manager under setup, also check the logging is set correctly here too, by putting in the IP address of the machine you have the software installed on, then save changes to the firewall. Thanks for your response. The machine with the 7.0 software installed seems to be able to complete all of the normal tasks described for the Management Station. I can look at HostWatch, Policy Manager, and the regular console with all tabs active and reporting information.
The only initial indicator that something was wrong was when I noticied that both the Traffic Monitor and Status Report were showing a date from 1981 and an incorrect time. On the machine that runs the software, nothing is loading at Startup (no log server process, etc.) I can simply connect to the Firebox and look at whatever I need at random. Also, this machine is not running 24/7 as it is a simple client PC on my LAN. As an additional note, the date/time stamp listed in the HostWatch module is correct. I am wondering if possibly the Traffic Monitor and Status Report were just thrown off at some point. I am in need of additional advice on how the Traffice Monitor and Status Report synchronize their time, how to be certain the time/date of the Firebox machine is not corrupted, and how to synchronize all time functions of this Firebox and have it set up under the 'best practices' for its use. Thanks again for all assistance.
I think the information you provided above has given me some idea of what is going on. I would like to make sure i'm on the right track before moving on. First, I can verify that the 'event logging service' was not installed along with this installation of Firebox System Manager that is currently on my PC. The service does not have a line item entry in the Services list for Windows and when i initialize WSEP on the local PC, BOTH 'Start Service' and 'Stop Service' are greyed out. So, my understanding from above is simply that i will need to start from scratch with the Management Server by installing the identical software on a dedicated PC (24/7 uptime) and making sure that choose to install the event logging service along with it during the install. With that being said, I have also noted that from Policy Manager it appears that no logs are currently enabled.
- понедельник 24 декабря
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