Solarwinds Orion 9 5 Slx Execution By Electric Chair

Solarwinds Orion 9 5 Slx Execution By Electric Chair

Solarwinds Orion 9 5 Slx Execution By Electric Chair 3,8/5 444 votes

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Aplikasi pelacak nomor hp untuk pci device. We use Windows XP & Visiual Studio2005 and everything works a charm! But its a different story when i installed VS 08 on my Vista box at home. Some of code I had been working on in the labs on XP wont run on Vista-Particularly when editing the registry.

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For example when coding up something to change the RDC port on a server based on OS (Based on the Major & Minor Windows Version Code numbers) i open the following reg entry: const string TerminalServicesPortNumberRegistryKey = @'SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Terminal Server WinStations RDP-Tcp'; I get the resulting error in VS/.NET JIT event catcher: “ Requested registry access is not allowed” Basically it comes down to the fact that your account is not an admin account by default (like it was in XP), its not UAC’s fault this time-surprise surprise! The problem is for some reason regisry permissions are given to the user msiserver. You can reset each entry manually, but that is a major pain. It’s much easier just to fix the entire registry by using the SubInACL utility. Basically, you can use the utility to add administrator permissions to every key in the registry. We need to set administrator permissions to every reg key in the registry using the. -First-of all we need to create a new text file named fix_registry_permissions.cmd and add the following text to it and save it.

Cd /d '%programfiles% Windows Resource Kits Tools' subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f subinacl /subdirectories%SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f subinacl /subdirectories%windir% *.* /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f Run the file-It should take a couple of mins to execute, but once complete all registry keys will be accessible to the administrator and system. This is all well and good to do on your own personal system but what if i want to write something that modifies reg entries for friends? *sigh* Posted in,, .

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